
Monday, April 13, 2020

Your Word for 2020!

dear friends, 

Dear Friends,
At the beginning of this year, I challenged all of us to pick a "word" that would help us and carry us through 2020.  

Please see the message below from January 1st message . . .

My "word" was and is 'VISION'.

This "word" has been helping me during the coronavirus pandemic.  We need 'VISION' that things will turn around, that things will be better than before and that the opportunity to share 'God's Love' will be better because of this pandemic.

Please read below,


What's Your Word for 2020?

Several years ago in our Adult Sunday School Class, I shared a teaching on having a 'One Word' faith motivating 'word' to use as a visionary Word for our lives for the New Year.

With this year being the 'year of 2020' reminds me of a 'Perfect Vision' score that we aim for when we go to the eye doctors during an exam.

This 'Perfect Vision Year' is causing me to think of a '20/20' Word to live by 'Day by Day' especially for those days when we are going through times of testing and trial and need a 'word' to anchor our faith and to find our peace in the midst of this world's craziness.

Below is a list of Words that you can choose from to help you choose your 'Word for 2020':

  • JOY 
  • PEACE 
  • JESUS 
  • JOY 
  • LIGHT 
  • PATH 

  Pick your Word, the New Year has begun!


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Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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