
Friday, February 7, 2020



This past week in 'HABITS 1 & 2' of LEJT, we learned that 'HABITS' are formed knowingly and unknowingly by the REWARDS and DESIRES that we seek.

We also learned that our HABITS were taught to us by or parents, friends, teachers or peers while we growing up.  And, some of those HABITS have a way of continuing on, until we take action to change the HABITS that are 'not working for us' spiritually or for our health. 


God uses HABITS.  
Each day is 24 hours long.  
Each day has a sunrise and a sunset.
There are 4 seasons in each year.
Each day has a purpose and a plan. 

Each Day We Do things via HABITS. 

Such as: 
  • Waking up at a certain time and following certain routines:
    • Making coffee, or Tea
    • Walking, Praying, Thinking
    • Checking your phone for messages (like LEJT 😉)
    • Checking your 'TO DO LIST'
    • Taking your medicines.
    • Going to Work.
    • Meeting Friends.
The above HABITS are GOOD for us.  

But what about the HABITS that are 'NOT SO GOOD'?
  • Such AS 
    • Waking up and Worrying
    • Being anxious about 'the days' activities
    • Worrying about our health
    • Complaining about our President & the Government
    • Watching the TV NEWS instead of reading the GOOD NEWS (the Gospel)
    • Believing lies instead of seeking God's TRUTH.
These HABITS will definitely set you up for a 'bad day'.  

Why, you set yourself up for it ??!!  

Use the Power of HABIT to change your mind and life for the better!

In the Bible, it tells us to: FEAR NOT, CAST OUR CARES on GOD, HAVE FAITH, REJOICE IN THE LORD.  Did you ever think that these quality 'mindsets' can be developed into HABITS?

YOU may say, "'Faith Man', I just don't feel like 'rejoicing'? Or, I am 'anxious' so how can I not worry??"  

'Feelings' my friend, are not FAITH.  When we make it a HABIT of replacing our 'FEARS, CARES, ANXIOUS MOMENTS, etc, with the WORD of GOD through our thoughts and HABITS, our DAY WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER!

I have used the God's Promises & Disciplines to achieve the HABITS I have desired and received, according to His Word and by the Power of His Spirit.

I have found out that if I just start '1 good HABIT' and follow through with it, it starts a chain of other 'good HABITS' which I have desired to do any way.

For Example:  My desire was (now is a HABIT) to get up early to have a good quiet time with God every day before the rest of the house gets up.  

I thought about how could I make this happen.  I first know I need about 7 hours of sleep a night, and if I am going to get up early, then I must be in bed before or by 10:30 p.m. to get up at 5:30 a.m. the next day.   

I also know that it takes about 3 weeks to establish a HABIT and that HABITS need a 'check-off' completion list to insure that the HABIT was done by me. 

Now that I have done this, my mind is made up not to break the HABIT because it will cause an effect on other HABITS that rely on my quiet time, such as Bible Reading time, Prayer Time and writing the LEJT everyday to name a few HABITS that depend on the quiet time.

STOP AN THINK are you using your gift of 'self-control' to set up GOOD HABITS in your life??  
IF SO, great!  

IF not, I encourage you to give it a try.  
Start small and add to your HABIT list weekly.  

You will find out the Holy Spirit's gift of self-control in your life will win out over your bad HABITS and you will worry less, be less anxious and will feel God's Presence has you start down the Narrow Road of Godly HABITS.

Have a great weekend!

See you again soon!
Faith Man!
Happy HABIT Day!

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