
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Taking Successful 'Life Changing Notes' . . . Part 2 of 2

Taking Successful 'Life Changing Notes' . . . while listening to Your Pastor or Teacher!
Part 2 of 2.

'And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind', Romans 12:2a 

Take Notes! It's one way to keep you '
awake' during Church :)
Awhile back, someone asked 'Jim Lewis', "how do you remember scriptures and parts of the Bible?".

"Hey, I know his secret!" says Faith Man, and in today's LEJ, I will reveal the other 2 methods that he uses.  #4 is his favorite!!  I think that you will see why. Again, please don't tell Jim I told you 😉.  

Method's 3 & 4 coming up.  
I got a question for you all, 
. . . . "do you take notes in Church?" (not love notes to your old boy or girl friends!!) But notes that will help you grow in the Lord!

Did you know that the Bible is God's LOVE NOTE TO US??! 

Methods 3 & 4
In any study, it is important that we really are 'interested' in what is being said (Faith comes by hearing the Word of God).  

If we are 'not interested' we really won't retain what we listened to.  'Jim Lewis' has learned that we must at least 'look for something' in the 'sermon or teaching' that is applicable to our lives in a personal way.  The Holy Spirit really knows what we need even before, 'we know what we need' and will send the Word of God to us in the form of a teaching, sermon or exhortation from the Church service.

As promised, below is 'Faith Man' revealing Methods 3 and 4 of 'Jim Lewis' ' secrets!! (shhh!)

Faith Man: 'Jim Lewis' uses 4 different methods of note taking that can be applicable for learning, application and will change our lives and thinking as re-read and meditate on what we have written down. 

Method #3 - This method uses 'quick diagrams' to help remember portions of scripture or sermon illustrations.  It is very effective because the questions ask: Who, How, What, Where & Action to be taken by the 'note taker'.  Remember that 'faith without works' is 'dead faith'.  Or like a car setting in the driveway without Gas or a battery.  So as we take 'notes' review the notes and 'start your engines'!  Check this John 3:16 'quick diagram' method out! 

Method #4 - This method uses the 'Action Blocks' to describe and help us remember portions of scripture or sermon text.  This method can be short on info, but will help the 'note taker' to recall portions of the message quickly when reviewed later in the day or later in the week.  Check this John 3:16 'Action Boxes' Method out!

There you have method's 3 and 4 by 'Jim Lewis'!  
If you want, I can send you an 'email' of the Note Taking Outlines for your reference and use.  
Please send an email to

It is important to listen and take notes and review your notes often. 
It will transform your life and give you success in all  your ways!

Have a great week!  
Happy March too! 🍀🍀🍀

Faith Man

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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