"Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods (time wasters) that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord (in time investments). And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord ."
Joshua 24:14a-15 ESV
God has given each of us the 'Gift of Time'.
'Time' has been equally distributed to each member of the human race in 24 hour increments daily. These 'hours' can used for the 'Kingdom of God' or the 'kingdom of self'.
Each day, we sleep about '8 hours' then live out 'the other 16 hours'.
From the moment that we wake up, to the time that we lay our heads on the pillow, our 'mindset' needs to be thinking in the terms of "how can I use my 'time gift' in the 'investment mode?"
The best 'investment' that we can make with our 'time gift' is in the Kingdom of God (See Matthew 6:33). This 'investment' not only pays off now, but has great rewards in eternity.
We need to program our minds be and to do the Will of God moment by moment with our 'gift of time'. It is a challenge, but the challenge is worth it.
On the other side of the 'gift of time,' is 'spending time', or in other words - 'wasting time'.
There are things and places in our day that I call 'Time Hogs'. The 'Time Hogs' are like 'black holes' in our day's routine that do nothing but suck out the 'life' of our souls. They are things, events and people (yes, people) who love to steal your time.
'Time Hogs' usually are subtle and before you know it, you feel usually 'soured' or 'down' after you have spent 'some time' on something or someone that doesn't do your 'soul' good.
Have we ever thought about how much time that we waste daily?
Years ago, I kept a 'time journal' and I was amazed how much 'time' was spent on doing things that really didn't seem to matter or contribute to the Kingdom of God or to life's 'betterment'.
I think that I want to 'dust off' this practice again just to see how much of my time is invested vs spent!
Tomorrow, Part II
See you Tomorrow! Time is calling me to the next Kingdom of God investment!
God Bless!
Have a 'super day'!
Faith Man
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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)