
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I Go to Prepare A Place

Good Morning Friends, "How in the world are you? Good I HOPE".

In yesterday's LEJ message I shared with you the 'Gifts' that we have been given to strengthen our lives and to encouarge others while we are on this earthen sod.  The 'GIFTS' of Faith, Hope and Love are eternal gifts that will abide forever even after the ministry gifts are no longer needed.

I thought about eternity and how life will be on that side and how things will be full of Peace, Harmony, Joy and Mission.  

Then, I also thought about what Jesus' statement meant when He said, "I go to prepare a place for you, and I will come again and receive you unto myself".

This made me wonder again?? In a positive way. I wonder what 'the place' will look like??  The best that I can come up with (that probably doesn't even compare) would be that of a Castle like that at Disney World.

It is good to think about our Eternal Home now and then, especially how things are going on with the coronavirus situation.

So in the meantime, lets use our gifts of 'Faith, Hope and Love' to encourage each other on in the 'Race of Fath'.  

We all will eventually break the finish line and there will be a tremendous time of happy reunions.

Faith Man ...

Ps . . . There is a cloud of witnesses in the 'Faith Grandstand' cheering us on!  What a reunion party is being planned.

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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