
Friday, April 17, 2020

In Everything??

In Everything ?? Yes, 'give thanks' in everything.

In these days of the coronavirus and confusion of our plans, our days and the future, it is easy to get 'off track' and forget our real purpose in life.

Our real purpose and mission in life is to; 'Love God' beyond anything or anybody, to 'love our neighbor' as ourselves, and to 'live to give glory' to God. 

When we do this, we experience God's peace and joy beyond anything that this world has to offer.  If you are not experiencing God's peace at the moment, please read and follow its instruction to help get you back in doing God's Will.  This scripture is one of my favorites for regaining God's presence and peace again and again.

'in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you'.
I Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV

When we begin to thank God and praise Him, our attitude begins to change for the better and then our circumstances begin to change too!

God Bless you!
Faith Man

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