
Friday, May 29, 2020

Are You . . .

In Sync? 👦

I'm sure that we have all heard by now of the musical group called 'In Sync' that personifies the act of 'synchronized' singing and dancing to the delight of their viewers and listeners.

Did you know that there is a place in the 'Christian walk' that personifies being 'In Sync' with God? 

When we align our lives to the Will of our Savior and plans for our lives daily, we then in a sense become 'In Sync' with God's intent and plans for our lives. 

You may ask, "What should I do to be 'In Sync' with God"?

Let me offer these 3 simple steps to help us get 'In Sync' with God:
  1. Submit yourself wholly to the Will and Purposes of God daily.
  2. Determine within ourselves to serve God and imitate Him in all of our actions.
  3. Practice and display Christian qualities in all our interactions in thought, word and deed.
When we do these things, we will display the personification of being 'In Sync' and will display the personification of 'Christian Character' in our generation.

The 'world' needs Jesus.  
The 'world' sees Jesus through the actions of Christians.

Especially, when we are 'In Sync' with the Gospel message of love and forgiveness.

Let us practices the mentioned 3-steps and live a life of Love and Forgiveness daily.

It will make all the difference in your life and in the life of others.


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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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