
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Feeding Your Soul ...

Is Your Soul hungry??

How do we know when our souls are hungry on the Road of Life??

Here is a check list to help us determine our souls hunger status:

1. Are we worrying more?
2. Have we lost our 'peace of mind'?
3. Are we 'sighing' more than 'praising'?
4. Are we caught up in the 'events of the world' instead of 'walking in the newness' of God's life?

If we answered 'yes' to any one or more of these questions, our souls are 'hungry' and needs to be fed as soon as possible to advert serious consequences.

Tomorrow, 'Faith Man' returns with choice 'Spiritual food' that will feed our souls. 

And, did you know that 'Spiritual food' strengthens the Soul and is low-carb, non-fattening, and full of spiritual nutrition!

Please check in tomorrow for 'Life Eternal Journal's' special series on 'Choice Spiritual Food' for our souls!

You will be glad you did!
Thank you.
ps - And tell them, 'Jim Lewis' sent ya!

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Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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