
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Be Faithful in Small Things . . .

Good Morning Dear Friends,
"How in the world are you?
Good, I hope"

May I ask you a 'question'?

"What is your ministry during these 'pandemic times'"??

Have you stopped long enough to get serious with God and ask ...

"Lord, what would you have me to do during these times"??

Sometimes it's better to ask the Lord what He would 'want us to do' rather than ask, "Lord, Why is this happening'??!!

Sometimes the 'why questions' are just not answered. But, the Lord wants us to be faithful 'in the small things' like prayer, quietness and holiness before the Lord.

He then will reveal to us what He wants us to do day by day and we are to be faithful to Him and in doing His Will.

Amen! 😎🙏👍❤😷

"Sometimes, God shows up in just the 'smallest things' and amazes us with His beauty and wonder"! 
Quote: FaithMan

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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