
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

"Made Alive & Raised Up"!

Good Morning Dear Friends,
I hope that you are doing well this morning.
It is my prayer that today's LEJ message will help lift you up. 
Faithman 😇

"Made Alive & Raised Up"!

Yesterday morning I was reading Paul's letter to the Ephesians and was encouraged by reading and meditating on the following words from Chapter 2:

'Even when we were dead in sins, (He) hath quickened us (made us alive) ...
 together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)  And hath raised us up together, ... 
and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: ... 
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, 
which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:5‭-‬6‭, ‬10 KJV

My friend, our position and future with Christ is now known.  Hallelujah! 

Paul wrote that we 'NOW SIT ABOVE' our circumstances when we have committed our lives to Christ and His calling in our lives.  He fights our battles ... He cares for our souls ... He supplies our needs.  Amen!


"He has raised us up and has made us sit together with Christ in heavenly places".  

This is why when we are in Church and having fellowship with Christ and each other, we feel as if we are in heaven.  Our joy of Christ and fellowship together reminds us of how it will be in eternity.

But for now, our minds need to be focused on the following:

+ We were 'made alive in Christ!'
+ We were 'raised up' in our hope in Christ!
+ We are temporarily 'sitting in heavenly places' in Christ when we have fellowship with each other on this side of life. 
+ We get to walk in the 'newness of Christ's love' in our everyday living.

Please let these thoughts penetrate your thinking.  

Paul did.  

And because of Paul's letter, we know today of the goodness of God towards us.

The 'enemy' would like us to pursade us to think otherwise.  

I have chosen, and will continue to choose God's truth as written by Paul to the Ephesian believers.  

These Words are life giving and soul freeing.

God Bless you!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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