
Monday, September 7, 2020

Where's the Beef, Err Where's the faith??

(Credit: Wendy's Hamburger Inc. commercial, date 1984)

How many of us can remember the old Wendy's commercial of 'Where's the Beef?'  If you are over 40, I'm sure you still can remember this effective commercial about a good Hamburger.

This commercial reminded me a bit of when Jesus returns, He will ask, "Where's the Faith"??

 Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Luke 18:8b KJV

Yes, 'Where's the Faith??!!'

God has given each one of us 'the measure of faith'.  (See Roman's 12:3).

The question then is, what are we doing with our faith. Or, 'Where's the faith'?!

Use your 'measure of faith' today and call someone, encourage someone, or pray for someone.

Develop the habit of using your faith daily. Then, when the Lord returns, He will find faith in the earth! Amen.


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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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