
Thursday, November 25, 2021

It's Thanksgiving!

                It's Thanksgiving' Day!

 'Thanksgiving' a 'Day of Rest and Reflection & Giving Thanks to God
This year surely has been a 'most trying' year for all of us in some way.  But, through the grace of God and His never ending love and mercy, we are here to celebrate another Thanksgiving and to give praises to God and thank Him for His Provision & Providence. 

This year has been full of many memories, experiences and met 'new folks' that I have been privileged to become friends with.  I think of all of my LEJ friends and pray for you too. 
A Blessed Thanksgiving to You & Yours!

My prayer for you and your family . . . 
"May God bless you with His abundance and provision as we continue 'In the Faith' day by day.
May you have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
To Him be all the glory and praise forever, 

Happy Thanks Giving!

Be Cheerful and full of Joy In the Lord & 

Thank The Lord Everyday!

The LEJ 'Thanksgiving Challenge' Ends! 

Today the 'LEJ Thanksgiving Challenge' ends.  We all appreciated the 'Thanksgiving Challenge' text submissions and were encouraged by what you shared. 
May God continue to Inspire You, Direct You and Encourage You in your Walk with Him Day by Day.
Love you all! Faithman

ps. due to the Thanksgiving Holiday . . . LEJ editions will be limited (we will have family staying with us over the Thanksgiving Holiday and 'writing time' will be limited). 😉


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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