
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Vibrant Autumn Reflections

                    Happy Thanksgiving Month 👐

'Vibrant Autumn Reflections'

"Vibrant Autumn Reflection's,
Remind me of 'Past Days' so dear.
 I think of them especially,
During 'Thanksgiving time' of Year. 
The thoughts of all the 'Day by Day'
 Bring me so much Cheer.
May we then remind each other 
of God's Special Blessings - 
Which all are 'so dear!'" Amen.
Hiking on a warm Autumn afternoon.

Recently we had family home from Wisconsin, and did some hiking for a day in a near by park.  The hike was so special that I had to take pictures of some amazing sights!  The 'blues' of the skies and 'reds & yellow' tree leaves still make me reflect on days and years gone by, and the Lord's promises to keep us safe 'Day by Day'.
Someone previously painted a 'pink heart' on a rock
(so fitting reminder for our family's hike!)

'Day by Day' was a popular song from the Stage Play 'Godspell' in the 1970s (see lyrics below).  
And, I can tell you that His Spirit & Life has kept me under 'God's Spell' for most of my life.   This week will be 47 years ago I came to Christ.  And that my Friend, has made all the difference in my life.  For as the scriptures state and we can know that we can pass from death unto Life by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ! (John 5:24)

May we today, reflect on the many blessings that God gives us in each 'Day by Day', Week by Week, Month by Month and Season by Season.  

For our Eternal God is working out His plan in our lives even when it doesn't seem like there is no progress being made in our journey with Him.  Amen.

A Warm Sun Peeking Thru the Leaves & Trees

"Day by Day
Day by Day
Oh, Dear Lord 
Three Things I pray.
To See Thee more clearly
Love Thee more dearly
Follow Thee more nearly
Day by Day*"

* Lyrics of 'Day by Day' from Godspell
Copyright 1971 Stephen Schwartz

A Thanksgiving Challenge
During this month of November, 
may I offer up to you all, 
'Thanksgiving Text Challenge'?

In Everything, 'Give Thanks'

Gee, you all just have been officially 
'ordained ministers' of the LEJ blog page 😉. 
Now that in itself is a blessing! ♥️

Here is are some examples of what to text back:

"I am grateful for my Health & Family".

"I am grateful for my church"

"I am grateful for my health"

"I am thankful for my dear friends"

 Please try to participate in the Thanksgiving Text Challenge And, remember . . . 

'Faith Man' sent ya!! 😉

Love you all, 'Faith man' 💗

(please click link below) thank you!

Thanksgiving Daily Text Challenge

Day by Day Music Link


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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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