
Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Kingdom Conflicts - Part 1 continues

 Good Morning! Thursday's Here, 

& the weekend is just around the corner. 

Kingdom Conflict's - Part 1 continues 

FYI . . . KCs series Index
  • What is 'Kingdom Conflict'? (part 1)
  • Where does the 'Kingdom Conflict' come from (part 2)
  • How do we get through this 'Kingdom Conflict' & become overcomers (Part 3)
Today's Intro:

Yesterday, 'Faith Man' started the Series on 'Kingdom Conflicts' and the series continues today with continued points about 'What is Kingdom Conflict' (KC) & 'Where does the KCs come from'?  

Kingdom Conflict 'Originate'
No one that I know likes conflict.  No one that I know plans conflict, but somehow . . . conflict comes. and shows up! 

KC comes when usually the 'pride monster' shows up at meetings and plays on our thoughts and minds. 

(BTW the 'pride monster' is usually a demon disguised as Mr. Expert, or Mr. Experience, or Mr. WE'VE NEVER, DONE, IT, THATWAY) .  

Yes, We may have been on school boards, management teams and even in churches and guess what . . . 'conflict happens' when the Pride Monster 👿shows up.

The half-brother of James writes down for our reference in chapter 4 verse 1 where the 'conflict originate' comes from (via the ML Bible).  

It's like Hey there ...
"Where do conflicts and fighting's among you originate?"  

And, James also goes on to say . . . 

those 'conflicts' are coming from the passions and the desires that are at war within ourselves - or wanting our own way (FM paraphrase).

And, 'these conflicts can be war with the Kingdom of God within our temple if we allow ourselves to be controlled by our old nature instead of the Holy Spirit!


(psst ... do we have passions and desires that are outside of God's plan and will for our lives?? . . . if so, we are setting ourselves up for a big 'KC' and a trip to God's Holy discipline shed)  

Like we read yesterday in Matthew 6 . . . it is all about 'seeking the Kingdom of God 1st!!  When we do this we can be assured that God will give us the Kingdom & its benefits and treasures to boot!

Let's read Matthew 6:33 & 34 again today! 
But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.' Matthew 6:33-34 
amp bible

Tomorrow, Tomorrow I Love you tomorrow??!! 🎵🎵

Why does tomorrow bring anxiety to us?  Why does tomorrow bring worry?  Tomorrow can be used a weapon by the enemy that causes KC and fear!  If not properly put in its place, fear will ruin tomorrow and bring its ugly fruit of worry and anxiety.

More about 'tomorrow', TOMORROW!! (which is Friday ... TGIF)

God bless you all . . . thanks for the prayers and reading this series.

Love you, 'Faith Man'

Quick message link here:

  Kingdom Conflict continues

Hope to C Ya soon!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Jump into 'Tuesday's Time Warp"

Good Morning! Happy Tuesday


A 'Time Warp'??
The other day my granddaughter said, "the days go slow, but the weeks go fast!"  Have you ever experienced a kind of 'time warp' sensation in life too?  

I believe when we choose to 'walk in the Spirit' and stay 'in prayer' in all situations throughout our day, we then find that we are 'in the right place' at 'the right time' for the 'right purpose' under heaven or 'otherwise' caught up in 'Heaven's Time Warp'.

Really, by walking in the Spirit, 'everything' is supernaturally supplied.  

' And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.' Philippians 4:19 AMP

Everything we need in the Spirit and in our natural realm is supplied when we are about 'His Mission' and communicating freely (it's called prayer 😏) with God.  A key scripture of maintaining our walk with God is found in Matthew 7:7.  The Amplified Bible version really gives great instructions on how to maintain a vibrant relationship with God and to keep moving with God throughout life.

Please read below and put these words of the Bible into daily practice.  


“Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 AMP

When we came to Christ, we stepped out of living in a "natural way' and into the 'supernatural way'. We then began to experience God, His power and His unlimited supply of Love, resources and provision for 'His Mission' when we began to pray.

Yes, we 'tap into God's Unlimited Supply' when we exercise the Words of Matthew 7:7 in faith believing!


'Faith Man'

Upcoming: LEJ lessons on 'Kingdom Conflicts'.

Where do Conflicts come from?

A series of LEJ lessons will be on 'Kingdom Conflicts' soon.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Soul Food

Food for the Hungry Soul...

The Bread of Life Book.

Good Morning LEJ Friends,

It is so good to be back at the keyboard and computer screen again!  When I don't write, it feels like there is something missing in my life.  I must use 'the gift' of writing that God has given me, to help encourage, inspire and enlighten my brothers and sisters in Christ especially during these times of satanic attacks in the world.

Today's 'Soul Food' Menu Item: Receive the Holy Spirit 

This Sunday is 'Pentecost Sunday' which is the 'birthday' of the Church.  On this day, centuries ago, the blessed event of the Holy Spirit filling the believers that were assembled in the 'Upper Room' in Jerusalem started the beginning of Christ's Church in the world.

This historic event changed everything.  The believers then were now filled with the power to witness, perform miracles and to preach the Gospel of Christ to the lost and the world.   God is still filling believers with His Power of the Holy Spirit.

We may have believed in Christ at one point in our lives and joined a Church somewhere along our lives, but have we ever 'asked God' to fill us with His Holy Spirit?  When we ask God to fill us with the Holy Spirit, God is very willing to fill us with the Holy Spirit ...
But!! We have to ask.  Nothing happens, if we don't ask!!

Please consider what Jesus said about this ... 

 'If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”' Luke 11:13
If our souls are hungry this morning, we must first seek God and His Kingdom in our lives and ASK for the HOLY SPIRIT by the way of a prayer for this to happen.  When we pray, God will fill us with the Holy Spirit and we will begin to feel His Joy, Power and Presence in our lives. 
This is 'real GOOD' soul food!

If you have never prayed for God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, below is a simple prayer that will help you.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask Jesus into my heart at this moment.  I turn from my sins in repentance and want to live for You from this day forward.  Your Word says that You will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for it.  So then, at this moment I ask now for the Holy Spirit to fill me and I trust You to fulfill this promise to me at this moment.  Thank You Father that You have heard my prayer.  I praise You and thank You for this wonderful gift and I will serve You all the days of my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.
If you just prayed that prayer in faith, you my friend have been filled with the Holy Spirit!  Now take time to day and thank the Lord in prayer or in song or in service in a special way.  Keep praying all though the day and God will show you every step that you are to take in this walk of faith!  

    God Bless you richly!
    Happy Birthday Church & it's disciples!!

    Faith Man.

The Monday Morning Quarterback / Sermon Question?

Happy Monday! I hope that all is well with you this morning. The Monday Morning Quarterback Question? Question: Did you make it to church or...