
Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Where 'the Joy' goes in life, the Path of God leads.

Awhile ago, I sketched this drawing of 'Faith Man' stating a scripture from Psalm 16:11.

When in a 'funk' or season of 'no direction', or despair we need to look for the 'Joy Sign Post' on the pathway of life.  We may have to look hard, but we will find it if we are patient and keep looking and pray for it.

God will show us a scripture, a testimony, or a good memory event that has happened and get back on the 'Path of JOY'.

I had a cute teaching moment with my 4 year old grandson in giving him a 'wise moment' talk about looking around about things, animals and life.

The comment was this:

"It is amazing what you can see, when you look"!

"Papa, you are so funny! You are right!" 
And he got 'the truth' of the message. 

(*from fm's 'Original Wisdom Tooth' Writings)

So, let us learn from the 'original wisdom tooth' of the Bible.  It's Words and message is eternal and provides us direction for the 'Path of Joy' consistently regardless of what we are going through.

Faith man

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