
Showing posts with label QSP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QSP. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Using Your 'QSP' - Part 1 of 4

Today, LEJT starts a new series:
"Using your 'Quiet' Super Power (QSP)".

This teaching series of 'Using Your 'Quiet' Super Power' is powerful and may seem deep to some and possibly hard to understand.  It is for mature believers and for those who want to press in to do God's Will from a willing heart.  It requires the price of 'Trusting and Obedience' on our behalf to see 'QSP' fully manifested in our lives.

As you read this lesson allow the Lord to open your understanding to the Gift of the Holy Spirit.  I challenge you to open your 'faith' cup in full measure and allow God to fill you, teach you and to open your eyes to 'QSP'.   

It is amazing that God would invest in each believer the 'QSP' gift.  'QSP' is an amazing gift that can and will align us with God's Will in every situation as we yield to the Lord.  You may ask, "Faith Man", 'have you fully arrived, at using your QSP?"  The answer is 'no', at times I feel like I have only 'scratched the surface' of understanding how all of this works, because God's ways are so much higher than our ways, and His thoughts are so much wiser than our thoughts.  

But, I know that the Holy Spirit is real and that 'QSP' is another phrase of how God moves through each one of us in His Church for maturity and miracles!

I have used the word 'Quiet' because God's Power works best in our lives has we live humbly before Him (James 4:6-7,10).  The words 'Super Power' that comes from God when He made us the Sons of God through His Will (John 1:12-13) and gave us Gifts and Power.

Did you know that you have QSP?

"I got to ask for IT"
Yes, YOU have QSP! (If you asked for it!)

What is QSP?  

It is (constantly) being filled with the Holy Spirit and moving about in the power of God moment by moment.

When we pray and ask our Heavenly Father for the gift and filling of the Holy Spirit, He FILLS US with the Holy Spirit.

Please consider from the Word of God: 

So I say to you, ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking [persistently], receives; and he who keeps on seeking [persistently], finds; and to him who keeps on knocking [persistently], the door will be opened. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you, then, being evil [that is, sinful by nature], know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him! ' Luke 11:9-13 AMP
In other words . . . When we ask for the Holy Spirit, we are immediately filled the Holy Spirit.  

Then, 'walking' the very next steps in the fullness of the Holy Spirit moment by moment is your using your 'QSP' gift from God.

The Holy Spirit is REAL.  
We can count on Him to: 
  • Teach Us
  • Guide Us
  • Help Us 
  • Give Us Discernment
  • Heal Us
  • Deliver Us

As we ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us, we begin to get into 'God's Time Warp' of appointments, things, situations and people interaction.

His Ways are MUCH HIGHER than OUR WAYS.

His WORD in US will NOT return Void or Useless

We enter into 'appointments' that were staged in Heaven.

We enter God's miracle 'time warp' of bringing about the Kingdom of God on earth (Matthew 6:33)

We find out God's protection in places that may seem dangerous and overwhelming to the natural man. 

There has been times when the Lord is teaching me on a subject in NE Ohio, at the same time pastors are teaching the same subject in the Ohio Valley or even in Wisconsin.  This is when we enter into the 'QSP' from God, or the 'fullness' of the Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow's teaching will center around how every situation that we are in has been designed to strengthen our faith in God, set us apart from the world, and place our full dependence on God and not on ourselves.

Stay Tuned in for Tomorrow's Teaching on QSP!
Same Faith Channel, Same Faith Time! 

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