
Monday, March 16, 2020

Repentance . . . has a 'hidden gift'.

The Hidden Gift of 'Repentance' - "Forgetting the Past"

What is past . . . has passed.

"But one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and strain(ing) forward to what lies ahead" Apostle Paul letter of advice to the Philippians.

Did you ever try to 'go forward', looking 'back'??

It Doesn't work . . . ,   does it??!!

'Looking back' is such 'negative energy' that drains our 'present and future energies' in and for life.

What is funny, we like to take what seems like 'harmless trips' down the 'memory lane' of our past and before you know it we if we are not careful, will end up in 'Sorry-land' and 'Should-have-land' and not be grateful for living in the 'Promised Land'. 
Faith Man is not saying it is wrong to talk about things past, but please don't set up camp there.  Why, because the Lord has brought us here to this place where we are today.

The Apostle Paul penned down great advice which is worth repeating in this "Hidden Gifts of Repentance" message.   

Paul before he was converted (known as Saul), persecuted the Church and possibly initiated the stoning of Stephen. 

Paul's conscience was surely shaken when he met the Lord on the Road.  The only way that he could have gotten around these acts he committed was to fully embrace the 'grace gift' of repentance that God offers to all.

We have that choice today.  To accept the 'grace gift' and forget the past and live in the present moment, and for the future.

We can never fully enjoy the present or the future, if we constantly look backwards or have regrets about our past mistakes, sins or shortcomings with God and with people.

Please accept the 'Forgetting the Past' repentance gift and enjoy life today.

Quote: "Repentance is not running from God, but running to God with arms opened wide". FM

Faith Man

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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