Or, YOU just might 'short-out'!
'Faith Man' has been thinking and studying about what creates 'energy and power' in our lives.
And, what 'drains energy' in our lives.
Jesus taught us that when we come to God, He has made us to 'have power' as the sons of God. (See John 1:12 kjv)
I believe that 'this power' is power to conduct our lives in its 'fullest measure' that God intended for God and for our best lives ever.
- please continue -
In life, there are situations and events that create 'energy' and certain situations and events that drain 'energy'.
Every 'situation or phase' that we are in life, either is 'building power' in our lives or is 'draining power' from our lives.
What is important to remember is that we get to choose, whether we are going accept the 'power', or use up the 'power'.
When Jesus taught about the 'Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins', I believe that He was talking about the 'wise virgins' (or people) having 'light' and 'power'.
And, there were the 'foolish virgins' (or people) who have 'wasted their power' and were 'care-less' about their lives.
Jesus spoke of the 5 of the 'wise virgins' having 'trimmed their lamps' and 'were prudent' about how they lived. They kept in God's 'energy flow' and were filled with the light and power of the Holy Spirit.
The other 5 'foolish virgins' were 'just hanging out' and using up their power, and energies on things other than the Lord's purpose for their lives.
Then, when the Lord returned for the 'Marriage Supper', the 5 foolish virgins had the boldness to ask the 5 wise virgins for some of their oil (or their energy).
But, being prudent the '5 wise virgins' said to the foolish, "go buy some from the dealers for yourselves".
And, as the parable reads . . . the Lord came while the 5 'foolish virgins' were busy buying their oil and missed the 'Marriage Supper'.
The 5 'foolish' even had the boldness to 'knock on the door of the event'.
But the Lord spoke to them, "I do NOT KNOW YOU!"
Such sobering words.
(see Chapter 25 of Matthew).
So then, 'how shall we then live'?
1) We need to humbly monitior our 'power, energy and light' and invest it and use it for the Kingdom of God where God leads us.
2) Stay away from situations, cares and social gatherings that do nothing but drain our energies and power. Not everything that 'sounds good', is good.
3) Keep our 'lamps trimmed' or in other words, keep 'Filled with the Holy Spirit' (Eph 5:18).
The 'Law of the Spirit' has given us power over the 'energy drainers' and situations that rob us from God's best.
And the 'Law of the Spirit' makes us family.
God's Family.
Because we are about our Father's business and will and His plan.
Be wise. Be harmless. Be humble. Be part of God's Family.
Faith Man
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