
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Faith Man: "Prayer Laboratory" Preview

Preview to the "Prayer Laboratory" Lessons

Study to show ourselves approved unto God. 

Dear faithful 'Life Eternal Journal Today' Friends,

It a pleasure to bring to you these daily 'blog' and (sometimes) illustrated messages from the Bible and my Christian experience.  

Most of what I have written has been part of my personal experience in 'faith' and 'prayer life' over the years.

I have created the 'pseudonym' character of "Faith Man"😎 to enhance my messages and make the messages enjoyable.  

This way I can replicate some of my personal 'faith and prayer' experiences without drawing attention (or embarrassment) to myself and give Glory to God!

As a request, I would appreciate you sharing this link with your friends and others who might be interested in learning more about prayer.  Here's the Link:



Everyone in life goes through 'STUFF.'  

No one gets a 'free ticket' of a life without 'problems' 
(or STUFF).
That is the basis of why I want to bring you a series of lessons on 'prayer' to help you get through Life's S.T.U.F.F.

S ituations 
T o
U ltimately
F ortify (your)
F aith

I hope to start the lessons on 'prayer' via Faith Man's "Prayer Laboratory" next week😇.  This series that will take us through a quick New Testament Study on prayer and will have a short list of questions after the lesson to  help strengthen our 'prayer lives' and hopefully help us to enjoy our Christian lives better. 

FEEDBACK:  Please return any questions or comments you may have about the lessons or prayer subjects that you may have via text.  

See you soon!

Thank you! Jim Lewis

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Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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