
Showing posts with label prayer laboratory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer laboratory. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2020

And the WINNER IS . . .

Session #3!!
God's Personal Word for Today!

Thanks for sending in your 'favorite' session choices.

The 'Awesome Adventures in Prayer Lab Session #3' was the most chosen, however Session #2 (Power in Praise) had some interest too.  

So then, Session #3 deeper study will continue today and Session #2 will be added later this month.


Session #3 Subject continues:  
"God's Personal Word for Today" 

"A Snowy Morning in NE Ohio"

Upon awakening this morning, I waited on the Lord for "God's Personal Word for me Today".  The Spirit of the Lord spoke to my spirit the following words:

 "so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
    it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
    and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
For you shall go out in joy
    and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you
    shall break forth into singing,
    and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands".

Isaiah 55:11 & 12
How often do we 'wait upon the Lord' for His Word to us in the morning??  

I find out when I do this habit, it sets my day 'on course' for God's Will and His plan in my life.  It sort of reminds me of putting the 'train on the track' for the day. 

Many years ago God spoke 'this same WORD' to me before I began my managerial duties at Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel Corporation.  His Word was the assurance that I needed that all things in then, and in the future would work out and be 'on target' with God's plan.

When we 'jump out of bed' in the morning without waiting on God and His 'Personal Word for Today' and we may find ourselves totally 'out of sync' with God and His plan.  

There is so much power when we 'wait on the Lord' and 'listen for His voice' and leading in all of our daily situations.  Most importantly, we must start this at the beginning of the day.

If you do not have the habit or practice of 'waiting on the Lord' in prayer and meditation in the morning, please allow me to encourage you to start doing this habit.  This habit has immediate and eternal rewards!!!

Tomorrow, Session #3 continues.  

In the meantime, wait for, look for and get . . . "God's Personal Word for you Today". It will be the best thing that you did for the Kingdom of God and yourself! 😁


Friday, January 17, 2020

Prayer Lab Week Recap

"Awesome Adventures" in the Prayer Lab . . .
Recap of the Week.

This past week, we spent time together in the "Prayer Lab" with "Faith Man". 
The Purpose of the "prayer lab" sessions were to prompt ourselves to ask some deep questions to help "solidify" our walk with God from an analytical perception and to look at the Word of God to activate the desire for a deeper walk with God. 

When you walk with the Lord, You don't get 'board!'

The Intro Lesson included the following questions:
1. What is standing in the way of God and you and your fellowship with Him at this moment?  
2. Have you seriously 'prayed through' to get this obstacle, sin or issue cleared up between God and you?
3. Are you ready to begin your 'Awesome Adventure' in Prayer?
After the Intro questions, the following 5 session titles were presented this week:

Session #1: Establish Your Prayer Base & Release that Burden.
Session #2: Power in Praise and Praising.
Session #3: God's Personal Word (for today).
Session #4: End of Day Analysis.
Session #5: Wait for the Results.

Please vote or respond to which Session was the most helpful and informational to you.  You may do this by either texting me via our Harmony Text string, or you may email me at

For example: Session #1 was my favorite.

The "Session" the receives the most votes, will implement a continued series on that SUBJECT starting next Monday.

Thank you!  
Have a good weekend! (keep warm, the snow & ice is on the way).

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Faith Man: "Prayer Laboratory" Preview

Preview to the "Prayer Laboratory" Lessons

Study to show ourselves approved unto God. 

Dear faithful 'Life Eternal Journal Today' Friends,

It a pleasure to bring to you these daily 'blog' and (sometimes) illustrated messages from the Bible and my Christian experience.  

Most of what I have written has been part of my personal experience in 'faith' and 'prayer life' over the years.

I have created the 'pseudonym' character of "Faith Man"😎 to enhance my messages and make the messages enjoyable.  

This way I can replicate some of my personal 'faith and prayer' experiences without drawing attention (or embarrassment) to myself and give Glory to God!

As a request, I would appreciate you sharing this link with your friends and others who might be interested in learning more about prayer.  Here's the Link:



Everyone in life goes through 'STUFF.'  

No one gets a 'free ticket' of a life without 'problems' 
(or STUFF).
That is the basis of why I want to bring you a series of lessons on 'prayer' to help you get through Life's S.T.U.F.F.

S ituations 
T o
U ltimately
F ortify (your)
F aith

I hope to start the lessons on 'prayer' via Faith Man's "Prayer Laboratory" next week😇.  This series that will take us through a quick New Testament Study on prayer and will have a short list of questions after the lesson to  help strengthen our 'prayer lives' and hopefully help us to enjoy our Christian lives better. 

FEEDBACK:  Please return any questions or comments you may have about the lessons or prayer subjects that you may have via text.  

See you soon!

Thank you! Jim Lewis

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Faith Man's Back in 2020!

Faith Man has new Journey's for 2020!

Hey Guys and Gals, 

Faith Man is back in 2020!  

New adventures in 'Faith Man' and his going on the offensive in slaying the enemy's camp and destroying his strongholds will be the theme in 2020! 

Some of Faith Man's teachings will include:

* Awesome times in the 'Prayer Laboratory'
* Supernatural Warfare
* Keep Looking Up!
* Today, the Lord's Return is Closer than ever before!

Are you ready for "Faith Man's" adventures? Good. 2020 will be an exciting, Supernatural and extraordinary year for all of us!


Happy New Year!

The Monday Morning Quarterback / Sermon Question?

Happy Monday! I hope that all is well with you this morning. The Monday Morning Quarterback Question? Question: Did you make it to church or...