
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Faith Man's 2020 Word

"I Got my '2020' Word"!

Good Morning LEJ Today readers!

It is hard to believe we are in day '4' of 2020!  
Where did 2019 go??!!

"Faith Man" is at it again . . . he is always up to 'something good'!  He 'told me' this morning about 'his Word' for 2020.   

His Word is "VISION"  

Like always . . .  
"Faith Man" is a man of 'the faith' and quoted the Bible Verse from 
Proverbs 29:18 . . .

Where there is NO VISION (without VISION), the people
perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

We must have VISION for a productive and victorious life.  Like the prophet penned down in Proverbs . . . without VISION, people perish.  Or in other words, without the HOPE and FOCUS of what God has for us as HIS PEOPLE, we will perish under our own whims.  But if we keep HIS LAW and TRUTH, we will have untold HAPPINESS and JOY.

As always, "FAITH MAN" is on track and helps us to stay there!

Have a great day and a blessed 2020!


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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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