
Sunday, January 5, 2020

Faith Man Sez: "Gotta stop Wishin' & start Prayin'

Gotta Start Prayin'

Have you ever 'wished & wondered' your life away?

Faith Man sez, "we can wish our lives away and say . . . 'I wish I had this, I wish I had that, I wish I lived here or I wished I lived there . . . and we could wish our lives away unknowingly without ever knowing way we were created through our prayers."


Did you ever notice that when we feel 'entitled,' we then have a 'complaining spirit' instead of the 'grateful spirit' that pleases God our Father.   During these 'wishing & entitled moments' we don't feel very 'joyful' nor reflect a thankful spirit.

I recently read that the 'DNA' of our joy and completeness is the attitude of 'thankfulness' and 'rejoicing'.  

We need receive God's grace to see and to remember His faithfulness to us.  This mindset produces a heart of humble joy, which pleases God our Father. (I want to please Him, don't you??)

Be at peace among yourselves.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, 
in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5: 13b, 16-18

"Stop the wishin', cause wishin' doesn't connect with the Father plans. Only prayin' sets the stage for the Father's will & rescue of the Father's flock & sublime blessings untold!
sez Faith Man!

 See you Next time!

ps - does that Church in the background look familiar?

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