
Monday, January 6, 2020

Tongue Tool

Your 'Tongue is a Tool'

Did you know that the average person uses approximately 5000 to 15,000 words every day?  Have you ever listened to yourself talk?? 

I have 😳,  and came under conviction!!  I am in the process of repenting of my actions and clearing my thoughts as I think and speak!!   

Let's see what 'Faith Man' has to say about this . . . 

Faith Man says, "Have you ever thought of how you use your 'Tongue Tool' every day" ??   

The "Tongue Tool" is always at work whether we think about it, or not!

Are we using our Words to build up someone or are we using our Words to tear someone down?  Or, are we using our Words to tear down ourselves?!!


The Bible is full of examples of how the 'Tongue' has so much power over us, our friends and our situations every day.   We must carefully use our "Words as tools" just as surgeons and dentists do when they perform there duties on their patients with their selective tools.

In a sense, we are kinda like 'doctors of the Faith'.  We have the authority and choice to use 'Words' that build up and heal, or we can use our 'Words' like the 'demolition expert' that destroys large buildings or bridges with a single blast!  

Let's be careful with our 'Tongue Tools'.

In Proverbs 18;21, it states that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue".  

Sometimes, we feel that we have the 'right' to fire off our 'Tongue Power-tool' to blow off our anger at someone or a situation.  

But usually when we do this, we end up feeling worse because we said things that we really didn't mean, or said things that caused the situation to get worse!

A wise 'tongue tool' or 'tongue antidote' is found in Proverbs 15:1, 

"A soft answer turns away wrath".   

Have you ever tried to argue with someone who doesn't argue??  Have you ever tried to get angry that turned the other cheek, or blessed you when you were angry??  

The apostle James said it well when he said, "keep a tight reign over your tongue (tool) and if we fail to do this, our Christianity is in vain".  (see James 1:26).

Let's let 2020 be a new chapter in using our 'Tongue Tools' wisely.  Pray for me that my 'tongue tool' is used for encouragement, healing and praising the Lord!

Love you all, Jim 

ps: 'Faith Man's' teaching was strong in my spirit all day on Sunday.  I actually didn't say too much all day.  It actually felt good, being on the quiet side all day long.  Gave me more time to think and have power over my day silently.   I love when the Holy Spirit does this.

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