
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Word Power

'A Word' fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver.
Proverbs 25:11.


Since the beginning of the New Year, it seems as if the Holy Spirit has been teaching me about the power of our Words and the proper use of our Words in all of our situations.

Let's remember and have the restraint from using 'our words' carelessly, and use God's Word when possible in our daily situations at home, at work or in any place that the Lord has allowed us to be part of.

In our business situations, instead of saying, "the Bible says this . . .,"  let us say the 'good book' instructs us to . . . 'do this' or 'do that' in our conversations.  This way we will find out that we are influencing our company of hearers in 'the Way'.  

This is a subtle way of injecting 'the Truth' in situations that we know are His Will and influence our company.

Be a "Craftsman Tongue Tool" man!
Like 'Faith Man' said in yesterday's message, our words can be like 'tongue tools'.  When we use our tools in a positive or constructive way, God will use the spoken word to change situations. 

We are the light of the world.  Jesus said that about us.  Let's use the light of God's Word in all of our situations.

Please Share the 'Word of God' in your conversations and at the 'Right Time'.  Take it upon yourselves to learn this skill of using the 'tongue tool' as a craftsman.  You then have control of the conversation (or the argument if it be so).

Remember 'Self-control' is one of the qualities of the Holy Spirit that can only be produced by Him.  This 'self-control' means 'tongue control' too.  Ask God to fill you and give you 'self-control' of your Words.

Remember . . .

'A Word' fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver.
Proverbs 25:11.

Have a "golden apple - tongue tool" day :)


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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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