
Friday, January 31, 2020

Finishing Well.

LEJ Today: Finishing Well.

We are in a race.  It's a Christian Race.  That makes this race "different".  

The race coach is the Holy Spirit.  

The finishing goal is: 
Finishing Well - 
God's Mission by His Inspiration and His Strength.

You and I are in the 'Christian Race'.  The difference of this race is that it requires none of our strength, none of our will-power, nor our 'special powers' to finish this race.

But, it does require some things for us to do so that we will 'Finish Well'. 

Please read:

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us"
Hebrews 12:1 ESV

This race requires us to:

1. Lay aside every weight. This means to lay aside our 'our hinderances' in serving God.  If there is no JOY in our walk with God, and there is the 'religous weight' of duty and not JOY, this race is a 'religious idol' and we are in it for self and not for God's Glory!  Get rid of the 'religious weight'.

2. Lay aside SIN.  This step requires the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin and for us to confess our sin(s) and repent of the SIN and STOP sinning.  God will give us the strength to lay it aside if we are serious about repenting from our SIN.  SIN is WEIGHT.

3. Run the RACE with endurance.  The Christian Race is a marathon.  This means every morning when we get up, we are to put on the 'gospel shoes' and live the life that Christ wants us to live.  GOD's RACE GIVES JOY and FREEDOM.

REMEMBER: Jesus is our coach and we must 'Trust and Obey' the coach so that we will 'FINISH WELL'.

After all, don't we want to hear??
'Well done, good servant! Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.'
Luke 19:17 ESV

Be faithful in serving God in His ministry where he has placed you.  It may be a hard mission field.  Or  you may be in a situation where most of your family does not know Christ.  Live in the full strength and display that the Holy Spirit gives you.

Remember, 'Life is NOT ABOUT YOU!'  It's about Jesus and doing HIS WILL, HIS WAY.  

That takes all the pressure off of us and on to Him.  

Jesus IS our Coach and greatest Cheerleader ever!  He will see that we FINISH WELL!


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