
Saturday, January 18, 2020

Happy Sunday: Faith Man's Favorites

What are "FAITH MAN's" Favorites??

"What are My Favorite Things"??

I am are taking a 'break' from the Prayer Laboratory Sessions for a day to bring to you:

 "Faith Man's Favorites"

Everyone has 'favorites'!  
You may ask, what do you mean by 'favorites?'  

'Favorites' are things, events, music, locations, situations etc. that quickly puts you in your 'ZONE' for HAPPINESS and JOY.  There even was a song written called "My Favorite Things" that was sung in the "Sound of Music".

Happiness Zone

When you feel bad, or sad it is a 'good idea' to get into your 'happiness ZONE' as fast as you can.  Doing this good LIFE HABIT helps US to get over the 'rough places' in life and wards off depression and defeat.

Have you ever thought about "Your Favorites?"  

It is a good idea to know what your favorites are, WRITE 'THEM' DOWN and visit there often to keep you in 'your Zone' for happiness and joy. God designed you with 'favorites' and your 'favorites' are unique to you and no one else!

Psalm 139 says:
13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works (favorites*) are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
* 'favorites' added by 'Faith Man"  
Here are "Faith Man's Favorites" 
(not in order of importance)😉

Breakfast Food:
  • Pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast & good coffee.
  • Homemade Oatmeal cookies.
Lunch & Dinner Food:
  • A good plate of spaghetti with salad.
Music (Partial list):
  • All Praise & Worship Music
    • "The Spirit Song", "What a Friend We have in Jesus", 
    • Psalm 34 Link to song here, please listen through to the end the 'Selah' will bless you!: Psalm 34 Brooklyn Tabernacle
Reading & Books (Partial list)
  • The Bible, Book of James, Gospels
  • The Compound Effect
  • Shift Your Brilliance
Special Place(s)
  • My Prayer Room
  • Church
  • Hilton Head
  • Harmony Church
  • Elmbrook Church
  • Writing devotionals
  • Bible Study, Journaling  
  • Preaching, Teaching & Playing music
  • Family Events, birthdays
  • Vacations
  • Bike riding
  • Walking
  • Picture taking

Afterthoughts :)

Well there you have "Faith Man's" 'Favorites'.  

Take some time this week and 'write down' your favorites.  You may surprise yourself in what you really enjoy in life.  

Start with a few things and add to the list as you discover things and events that put you in 'the ZONE' of happiness and joy.  Keep your list handy, and pull it out often.


Think about this:
If you don't know what gives you JOY, how do you know when you are in your 'JOY ZONE'? 😏🙌.
Original Quote from 'Faith Man'.

C Ya!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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