
Friday, January 24, 2020


Did you know that it is possible for a Christian to have a 'personal power failure'??

"How is that possible" ???  There are seasons, or situations that we get ourselves (at times unknowingly) in that may seem to cause God's power to stop in our daily lives.

These situations can be remedied, and God's 'personal power' can and will be restored in our lives.  

Here is a 'check list' of ' 7 items' that can cause 'personal power failures' and the remedies to get your PERSONAL POWER RESTORED:


  1. When someone 'offends you' and you fail to forgive them; this will shut down 'your personal power'.
    • When you feel your power drained, immediately forgive the offender and yourself.  As for God to forgive you and wait for the Holy Spirit's power to be restored.
  2. When you feel like a 'victim' of your personal choices that seemingly have caused unfavorable circumstances, this can seemingly shut down 'your personal power'.
    • Remember your position in Christ.  You are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you.  That makes you a VICTOR!  YOU are VICTORIOUS through Christ.
  3. When we 'fail' to deal with 'a problem' or repent of your sin will shut down 'your personal power'.
    • Go to the Lord in prayer.  Repent and turn away from what is grieving the Holy Spirit.  Get Christian counselling or talk to a trusted friend who will keep things confidential.
  4. When we are critical, judgement and complain instead of being grateful, this will shutdown 'your personal power'.
    • Turn away from being judgmental and start 'praising and thanking' the LORD for His goodness to you.  This will restore 'your personal power' quickly. 
  5. When we 'feel anxious' about the day or a situation will shut down 'your personal power'.
    • Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways and don't lean on your wisdom or past experiences.  Remember, God is in CONTROL.
  6. When we depending on our 'feelings' of not 'feeling loved' or appreciated, will shutdown 'your personal power'.
    • Your 'feelings or emotions' are not your FAITH.  Feelings will come and go, BUT the WORD of the LORD will stand in your life.  TRUST in the LORD with ALL YOUR HEART and 'your personal power' WILL BE RESTORED!
  7. When we fail to be obedient to the Lord's Commands, will shut down 'your personal power'.
    • God's commands are for our benefit.  God is not a 'spoil sport' that gives 'commands' just to keep us from having fun for a season.  God knows the damaging effects of disobedience and sin.  When we repent from our disobedience and return to God, this will help to restore 'your personal power'. 
The main reason we give up our personal power is usually that we are 'short sighted' and don't fully understand the consequences at the moment.  Or, the enemy short-circuits our connection by instigating one of the 7 reasons mentioned. 

Remember, personal power failures can be avoided.  If they do, or when they do happen, they can be remedied!  
The power of confession and the Blood of JESUS Christ RESTORES our POWER CONNECTION immediately!

Remember, there is POWER in THE BLOOD of the LAMB!


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