
Monday, February 24, 2020

Don't Ask a 'Worrywart . . . Part 2 of 2

 Don't 'Get or Ask' a 'Worrywart' ... to Pray for you!
Part 2 of 2.

'Faith Man' sez, "if we can't get through to Heaven in our prayers, . . . it could be because the 'cares, burdens and worries' might be blocking the Lord's view!  

So let's pack 'em in a box and push 'em up to the Lord!"

22 Cast your burden on the Lord [release it] and He will sustain and uphold you;
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (slip, fall, fail). Psalm 55:22
8b  . . . for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.  Matthew 6:8b


I believe if there is one thing that the Lord desires in our life. I believe that 'one thing' is to have complete steady fellowship and companionship with His Children every day.  

He loves to handle our problems, our cares and anxious moments.  Like the previous scripture states; "your Father knows what you need before you ask Him".  So then, it IS 'okay' to ask Him for what you need and you can be assured needs will be supplied.  (See Matthew 7:7)

When I thought of writing this series on the 'Worrywart', I thought of the '2 life-modes' that we find ourselves in at any given moment in time.

Either we are using our 'faith' and 'climbing the mountains', or we are on the 'run', or in a 'worrywart' hole, or feeling sorry for ourselves.  

How can this be that we are on the run???  

Is it because people 'just don't understand us', or we have sinned and don't want to confess that we have 'sinned!??'  

Or, have we allowed our cares and burdens to fill our daily thinking and shove out the 'Peace of God'.  

Ah, but there is an answer . . .

Me like Perfect Peace :)
 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.' Isaiah 26:3


In yesterday's teaching, I mentioned that our 'faith' needs to be activated to lift our burdens and cares to the Lord.  To activate our 'faith', we must take a posture of releasing 'our burdens' to the Lord.

Years ago, I was going through a deep time of trial & tribulation in my life and I felt the need to release the 'burden'.  How I released the 'burden' was that I went to the Ohio River, found a big rock and let the rock 'represent my burdens' and threw the 'burdens' into the River and the Peace of God came.

An Act of Faith . . . Changes everything for the Better!

  This simple act of placing my 'burdens' on the Rock and throwing 'the rock' in the river was saying to my spirit and to the Lord, 
"I am casting my cares on the Lord.  And when I release this rock, my present cares and burdens are now being placed in the Lord's Hands and care." Amen.

I believe that when we really have 'prayed through,' the burden will be lifted and the peace of God will come and will be smooth just like the picture above.


God desires for us to connect our 'Spiritual World' with the 'Secular World'.  You may ask, what do you mean by this??  

This connection simply means that in God's eyes, there is 'no shift' or 'change' going on between the two.  In other words, we will behave, think and act the same whether we are in Church on Sunday or on Main Street on Monday.  There should be no shift within our character whether a Pastor is visiting us or that we are at the Supermarket.  It is ok to shout 'Praise the Lord' in Walmart or at CVS or Harmony Church.  Remember . . .

'The earth is the Lord's , and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.Psalms 24:1

We happen to 'dwell therein', lets help those around us by walking in the Spirit and doing all things as sacred worship to the Lord. Amen!

Ps . . . Pray for the 'Worrywarts' cause God loves them too 😁.

C Ya!

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