
Sunday, March 22, 2020



Today,  I felt a prompt . . .
To 'Send a message' 
to one who was on my mind. 
As I thought of what to do,
My mind went 'blank' for a second or two. 

But, then I remembered to 'BE BOLD', 
And carried my actions through. 
I sent my friend a Message of  
'Joy in Jesus'
without further Adieu.

Then, in an almost immediate reply,
He wrote back and said,
"Your Kindness and timing is appreciated" 
Cause I 'lost a friend' today - 
And because of your 'Joy' message, 
I know that I am blessed!
May God keep You In His Care too.

- Faith Man -

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I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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