'Now these are 'the gifts' Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do His work and Build up the church, the body of Christ. ' Ephesians 4:11-12
Happy Sunday. What glorious wonders of God await us as the Holy Spirit continues to teach us and lead us day by day.
I hope that today's message encourages you to seek God's Kingdom first and to seek out the gifts that God has given you and use the gift for His glory. The Church needs you and your gifts.
Here is a testimony concerning today's lesson from 'Faith Man'.
"There is at least one gift that I know that I God gave me, and that is the 'Gift of Teaching'. How do I know this? Before I was a Christian, I could barely finish reading a book. I had no real interest in Bible Study. And . . . I thought God was somewhere - way out there controlling the planets, while we were down here doing our own thing.
But, that all changed when Jesus Christ came into my life over 45 years ago. And 'that change' has made the difference in my life from 'night to day'!
Now I enjoy God's Word. I enjoy studying and reading for hours. And, every time I get into God's Word, I get excited about a new truth, a new teaching, a new revelation and I just 'love' sharing what I've learned with others in a practical way to increase their FAITH!" quote from Faith Man
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God's Word shall not return void! Preach it, Teach it, Live it out! |
The Teachers: Individuals who instructs others in 'the Way of the Gospel' and ministers to the Body of Christ with a preacher-like gift without regular ordination.
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The Teachers |
Recently, I thought of some of the 'mountains' that God has moved in my lifetime, and the miraculous answer to prayers that God has answered by intercessory and agreement prayer times.
And, the answers to these requests caused me to think of the 'other-standing-mountains' that still need to be asked for . . . and answered by God for:
Healing and
for a cure for COVID-19.
Please read . . .
" 'I will announce the LORD ’s decision: He said to me, “You are my son, today I have become your father. Just ask me, and I will make the nations your possession; the far corners of the earth will be your property. So kings, wise up! Be warned, you rulers of the earth! Serve the LORD reverently— trembling, kiss his feet or else he will become angry, and your way will be destroyed because his anger ignites in an instant. But all who take refuge in the LORD are truly happy!' " Psalms 2:7-8,10-12
This Word in Psalm 2 is so full of 'promise' and 'instruction'. We just need to 'turn up' our prayer machine and believe in Faith that these mountains will fall into the Sea!
This Week there will be a 'breakthrough' in the COVID-19 virus for good. Please stand in agreement with me on this request. (Matthew 18:19) How do I know this? Because God's Word is Truth!
Thank you God!
Blessings to you all,
Faith Man
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A Breakthrough IS COMING!! |
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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)