
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Prayer Delays have a Purpose!

Dear Life Eternal Journal Today Friends,

I have been reading a book on Prayer by A.W. Tozer.  Below is an excellent point that we must consider when we pray.  Please take TIME and read this except SLOWLY and allow the Lord to teach you.  This profound TRUTH is like 'rocket power' for the prayer warrior.

God Bless!
Faith Man

We must never forget that delays in answers to prayer are part of God’s divine purpose.
He uses those divine delays sometimes to reshape and make our prayers more specific.
When a Syrophoenician woman, a Gentile, came to Jesus (Matt. 15:21–28), continually asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter, she based her request on Jesus being the Son of David. Yet the Scriptures record that “He did not answer her a word” (v. 23). The grounds of her request were not biblically correct—He was the Son of David to Israel, not the Gentiles.
The woman asked again. “Lord, help me!” Jesus’ reply was “it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs” (Matt. 15:26).
The woman persevered in her request and reshaped it in light of Jesus’ words that “even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table” (Matt. 15:26). The result of her perseverance with a specific biblically reshaped request was the answer she sought, but also a commendation that her faith was great (v. 28).
Her journey in this 'specific request' revealed great faith in God and a much closer relationship with Him. May we likewise pursue our Savior with God’s enabling power for answers to our specific requests while clothed with humility and standing on the Word of God. In that way, His name is glorified and lifted up!
Tozer, A. W.. Prayer (p. 178). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition. 

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