
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Power Distribution . . . .

Power Distribution . . .

"Words" have 'POWER' & 'ENERGY' . . .
So then, lets Watch our Power & Energy distribution.

You are a HIGH VOLTAGE Carrier of God's Light!

Good Morning Dear Friends,
How in the World are you??  
Good I hope....

Did you know that you and I are like 'Power Plants?'

Yes . . . Power Plants.

We have the 'Lord's Energy' at our disposal to 'distribute HIS power and energy' in whatever situation that we are presently in. 
(yes, even during in the coronavirus situation).

Did you know that we can either distribute or transmit, 'clean energy' or 'dirty energy'?

In the 'power and electricity' terminology there is a 'term' called 'dirty power' or 'dirty energy'.  

This is when the energy being distributed has excessive 'line noise', 'voltage spikes' and 'uneven harmonics' that causes interruptions, shorts and 'power failures' in electrical current.  There are additional controls, regulators, capacitors and insulators that must be installed to stop the 'dirty power' from entering the grid that causes problems.

In our Christian lives, whenever we say or do things that are contrary to Christian character and holiness, it is like the 'dirty energy' that is harmful to our witness for those whom we are around if this condition is not corrected.  

Ahh, but the Holy Spirit is the 'spiritual electrician'.  He brings about the correction that is needed in our lives by our spirits being 'grieved' and our 'joy' in God being squelched.

Here is some good advice to keep our 'power clean' and 'energy flowing' to those around us.
"Never say anything that would hurt or harm anyone else. Instead, speak ONLY words that are good and helpful to those who are listening. That way, what you say will build them up instead of tearing them down." — Ephesians 4:29
"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. '" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-21

If we do these things as explained in God's Word, we will be 'good and efficient' operating 'Power Plants' that allows God's grace and light to move through our lives to touch others wherever we may be.

Keep the POWER ON!

Reach Out and shine out today!
Faith Man

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