
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Your Story, Your Testimony

"Your Story, Your Testimony"!
Every Christian has one!

'Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.' John 3:7-8

Your Story, Your Conversion,  . . Someone needs to hear 'Your Story'

'Your conversion' story is unique.  
It is special to you. And, part of the 'wind story' of the Holy Spirit moving on you to be 'born again'.

And importantly, 'your story' is special to others.  

Can you remember when you were so moved by God that you surrendered your life to Christ?

If so, you, 'my friend' have a 'testimony'.  

That testimony is 'Your Story' of how Christ brought you to a point in your life to surrender to Him. 

Write down your Testimony, and keep it handy to tell others!
Recently in a men's Bible Study God lead me to share my conversion experience (My Story) from 1974 to a small group of men of which one man in his '60s was moved closer to God.  

It is amazing how God's Word does not return void!

"Be Bold in Your Prayers" and Witness!  

God may move or place you hundreds of miles away just to reach one or more souls that needs to hear 'your story' at His expense!

Guess what? God's 'testimony' opportunities have happened many times in my life . . . . and continue to happen here in NE Ohio.

I am sure they will happen until, God calls me to the other side!


"Brush off YOUR STORY, a soul is waiting!


You can actually respond back to the podcast via your cellphone or computer if you would like!  Faith Man likes 'feedback'!

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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