
Saturday, April 4, 2020

God Is . . .

God IS . . . So Good!

Good Morning Dear Friends from NE Ohio,

I woke up this morning singing this simple 'praise' song . . . to the Lord.
Why don't You Sing It with me,
God is SO good,
God is SO good,
God is So Good,
He's So Good to Me. 👐👐
God Answers Prayer,
God Answers Prayer,
God Answers Prayer,
He's So Good to Me. 👐👐
I'll do His Will,
I'll do His Will,
I'll do His Will,
He's So Good to Me. 👐👐
God is SO good,
God is SO good,
God is So Good,
He's So Good to Me. 👐👐
"'Praise the Lord , for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for it is pleasant! Praise the Lord ! Praise the name of the Lord , give praise, O servants of the Lord , who stand in the house of the Lord , in the courts of the house of our God!'" Psalms 135:1-3

Even in these times of uncertainty and chaos, please find time to 'Praise the Lord'. It does the soul and spirit good.'

Never forget this Biblical fact
"For God so loved the World".
You and I are part of the world, so therefore He Loves us.

Faith Man


  1. Makes you want to grab a guitar and look for your favorite bass player.

    1. That's good Howie!! Makes me want to look for my favorite guitar player and to pull out my harmonica!


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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