
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Going Back, to the Future ??

Good Morning Dear Friends,

"How in the World are you??
Good I hope"!!

"Huh?? . . . 'Back, to the Future' Sir"??!! 

Or, Is the question . . .
"Do we need to 'Go Back' before we can 'Go Forward" ?
I believe the answer is 'Yes'
But, we won't ride in this car below to get there!!

Does this car look familiar? - It was in a famous movie of the 1980s.
(Picture @ Cleveland 2020 Auto Show - j. lewis)

The opening statement of 'Back, to the Future' in today's message was stated to 'trigger' an important thought in each one of us.

You may be asking,
"Faith Man," what do you mean about 'Go Back, before we can go forward??'  I believe that we need to go back (temporarily) so that we can fully understand the 'Power of the Cross' and its real effect and blessing on us today and for 'the Future'!

The most powerful thing that God did to 'rescue mankind' from sin and depravity, was to assign His beloved Son Jesus to the 'Mission of the Cross'.  When Jesus died on the Cross, this sacrificial act of God's love and mercy of accepting Jesus' blood and atonement for our sins broke the power of sin and its curse over us once and for all!

The enemy has tried to stop this message and tries to render the power of the Cross as non-effect and powerless.  This my friend is a lie from hell itself.

Please 'Go Back' and read these scriptures below to 'Get yourselves to the Future' Safely in God's Kingdom!
'The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are being destroyed. But it is the power of God for those of us who are being saved. ' 1 Corinthians 1:18 CEB
'He reconciled them both as one body to God by the cross, which ended the hostility to God. When he came, he announced the good news of peace to you who were far away from God and to those who were near. We both have access to the Father through Christ by the one Spirit. So now you are no longer strangers and aliens. Rather, you are fellow citizens with God’s people, and you belong to God’s household. ' Ephesians 2:16-19

'He destroyed the record of the debt we owed, with its requirements that worked against us. He canceled it by nailing it to the cross. When he disarmed the rulers and authorities, he exposed them to public disgrace by leading them in a triumphal parade. ' Colossians 2:14-15 CEB

If you are struggling, doubtful, fearful or without hope my friend, you need to 'Go Back' to the 'Cross of Jesus Christ' and believe in its 'Power' so that it will change you NOW and for the FUTURE!

Praise be to God for Sending His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to change the Future for mankind!  

See you in 'the Future' my fellow time-traveler!

God Bless you!
Faith man

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