
Friday, April 24, 2020

'Going' - 'Back to the Future' Part II

Good Morning Dear Friends,

"How in the World are you??
Hope that you are living above the circumstances" !!

Back, to the Future II

Please read the following dialogue:
LEJ Reader: "Huh?? . . . 'Back, to the Future', A second time Sir"??!! 
Faith Man: Yes, Of Course . . . this time will be extra special.
LEJ Reader: "Ok, Yesterday was painless and a real eye opener about the 'Power of the Cross'!  Why do we need to go back again"?? 
Faith Man: We got to go back to get 'the fuel', I mean the 'Special Fuel' for 'the Journey into the Future' and for the 'ride into Eternity' for generations to come!! 
LEJ Reader: "Ok, when do we take 'the ride Back"??
 Faith Man:  NOW! Strap on your Faith, 'HERE WE GOOO! 

Yesterday,  we went back to the Cross of Calvary to see what Jesus did for us in breaking the power of sin, sickness and the curse from us so that we could live life 'in the future' with freedom from these 'human maladies' and eternal Hell.

Today, we are traveling 'Back, to the Future' a second time to go to the 'Upper Room'!

The 'Upper Room' location is so important in Biblical Geography History possibly the 'Upper Room' was the same place where The Last Supper was held, and the Day of Pentecost took place. 

Faith Man:
"Wow folks, we are here at the Upper Room.  What has happened to the people here?  Let me look in the Bible to see what has happened here??!!
Acts of the Apostles 2:1-4 
'They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them. When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire house where they were sitting. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them to speak. ' 
Acts of the Apostles 4:31 
'After they prayed, the place where they were gathered was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking God’s word with confidence. ' 
Faith Man: "Now I understand why we had to take a second trip "Back, to the Future" to get 'the fuel' to have 'the power' to live the Christian Life and to know God's Will!!
Today's trip to 'the Upper Room' was necessary and important so that we could receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of God boldly, Live the Christian life boldly and do the Works of God through the Holy Spirit's Power.  

Faith Man: Wow, these trips 'Back, to the Future' in Biblical history change us now and for the future!

Dear LEJ readers, have you asked God to fill you with the Holy Spirit?  The Holy Spirit is the 'fuel' and power to live the Christian Life.  It is absolutely impossible to live the Christian life in victory without the Holy Spirit's power.

If you haven't received the Holy Spirit's power, take a trip 'Back to the Upper Room' today!  I promise you, it will change your Future forever!  

See you in 'the Future' my fellow time-traveler!
(More Biblical Trips 'Back, To the Future' coming in the LEJ's Future)

God Bless you!
Faith man

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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