
Monday, May 11, 2020

Before it Was Spun ...

Good Morning Dear Friends, "How In the World Are You?  Good, I Hope."

In The Beginning,
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

We often need to be reminded that Jesus IS the LIVING WORD.  And, that  HE made all things and in Him is Life.

If we live a life without Jesus guiding and leading us daily, spiritual darkness will creep in our lives and the effects of this sin will cause our eyes to loose our spiritual perception to God's Word and His will.

The WORD keeps our spiritual vision at 20/20.   That is why we need to be in the Word of God daily to keep us ever focused on God's plan and will for us individually and as a Church. 

Read God's Word and allow God's WORD to correct and improve your vision today.  

If you need a good place to start reading the Bible, start with John chapter 1.  Read it slowly and your spiritual vision will improve.

Before this world was even spun into existance, the WORD of God was there before it was 'spun' and the WORD spun it!

Before this day begins, allow the WORD of God give you your spiritual eyes' 20/20 vision today and in 2020! 👀

Faith man 

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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