
Friday, May 8, 2020

What's On Your Shelf - Will It Help You in the End?

Good Morning Dear LEJ Friends,

How in the World are you??
"Good I HOPE!"

I recently looked at a section of my personal library and thought of the devotional and inspirational books that lifts my soul.  But nothing satisfies like the Word of God and feeds our souls in our times of need.

The Word of God has the LIGHT source and LIFE source for all mankind to endure and overcome no matter what we are going through in our lives.


"One of my inspirational sections of my personal library -
see if you can see what book is glowing there?"

Yesterday during a 'face-time' session with my daughter, we talked about how each generation and family seems like they go through 'unseen and  unplanned' events that tries to 'rock or try' our faith in God.  This happens to all no matter how well we plan our lives.  Nothing goes according to 'plan'.  (Can I get an Amen??)  

But, normally the 'unplanned event' strengthens the 'true believer' because they dig down into the Word of God or go to their shelf of inspiration.

For example of hard and uncertain times, my Dad, William Lacey Lewis was born in October of 1909 in Capon Bridge, West Virginia.  He was the son of a wagon-wheel maker Arthur Uriah Lewis (my Grandfather).  My Grandfather got the notion to move to the Ohio Valley because there was work there.  There were 4 boys and 4 girls in that family of 10.  I am sure moving to the Ohio Valley was quite a trip in the early 1900s.

Some of the 'world conflicts and events' that my Dad and my Mom experienced during their lifetime could have caused them to 'doubt God,' but they pressed on regardless of their surroundings and 'unplanned' life situations.  

Check out some of their life-history items:
  • World War I (from 1914 - 1917)
  • Spanish Flu (1918 - 1919)
  • The Great Depression (1929 - 1930)
  • World War II (1941 - 1945)
  • Town 'black-outs' and air raid practices during the World War. 
  • Lost son Thomas (my brother), to leukemia when he was around 12 years old (passed in 1951)
  • Korean War (1951 - 1953)
  • Nationwide Steelworkers strike in 1959 that lasted many days (there was no unemployment nor food stamps back then).
  • Cold War and threat of Nuclear Destruction (1955 - 1963)
  • Vietnam War (1967 - 1975)
  • Numerous Flu epidemics, virus outbreaks and threats of unemployment in the steel industry with mergers, acquisitions, etc.
While our present generation is going through something that it has never experienced before such as the coronavirus pandemic, generations before us have gone through so much more.  Just think of going without some of the modern conveniences of the internet / text messaging, air conditioning, transportation, television and reliable communications and electricity to ease some of the situations around us that we are experiencing. 

We need to be mindful and thankful of these conveniences and for the fellowship it allows us to have during these times.   

Jesus said, in this World we would have tribulation.  I think that the coronavirus qualifies as tribulation.
Jesus also said, "Be of GOOD Cheer, because HE over came this world for our sake".

As much as the enemy would like us to 'hold on' to this earth and its belongings and cause us to fear this pandemic, this too will pass.

It is in times like these that causes people to look to God.  Even the agnostics and atheists start to wonder because where else can they go to find hope or answers.  
I have witnessed my faith to agnostics and atheists alike in my lifetime and hopefully planted the seed of Truth in their lives.  
And, you know . . . some of these folks are now believers.  Praise God.

It seems that when a soul gets closer to the end of their life, eternity becomes more real to them.  
Then, sometime they realize that we are not 'here' on earth forever. 

I am looking forward to meeting Jesus someday in the future (eternity) because of what Jesus did to purchase and save my life from destruction.
He set me on His path that leads to life and joy.

Are you on the path that leads to life??  

Don't let the troubles of this world cause to do doubt God.
But let these troubles point you to God and cry out to Him to save you. 

You know, it won't be long ... we will see Jesus and our departed loved ones soon.
God Bless you!
Faith Man

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