
Friday, June 12, 2020

Monitoring 'Self-Talk & Self-Thoughts''

Good Morning!  
Happy Friday again!!!
Where do these weeks go?!

How are your thoughts this morning??

Healthy and Vibrant and praise worthy I hope.  If not, you are not alone.  We all have our moments.  

Did you know that your thoughts and 'self-talk' has tremendous power over your lives?   

Have you monitored your 'self-talk' lately?  

Whatcha' thinking about??

What is mostly on our minds these days?  COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, the economy, or other things ??

There are physical manifestations and events both 'negative and positive' that we all have experienced after we have 'thought or meditated' on about these situations before hand.

God made our minds and thoughts with the ability to create either good or bad.  We must choose to be positive and good, and to fill our minds with God's Word so that the Word of God can be displayed and acted out in this World through the Christian life.

Ever wonder why things in our generation are so bad, the previous and this generation has elected to remove God and His Word from schools, government and now even the churches.  

This is crazy!  Someone decided they were 'smarter than God' and threw out the 10 commandments!!

People then, are wondering why there events that bring so much sadness, sickness and despair in the the world today.

There is a spiritual law called 'sowing and reaping' that has its effects just like the law of gravity.  

If I drop a pencil, it will definitely fall to the ground.  

If I harbor bad thoughts, unforgiving thoughts, or hateful thoughts then I will experience the results of these thoughts and wonder why I feel so bad or without hope!

You may ask, how do we get rid of bad thoughts and negativity?  It starts with confession.  Lord, please forgive me for allowing my mind to meditate on things and events that are sinful and not Your will.

Then, we must stop doing things that generate 'bad thinking'.  I think that Zig Ziglar once said, 'You got to stop that 'stinkin' thinking'!

May I suggest to stop watching or limit our viewing of 'The News' and go back and start reading the '10 commandments' for starters in the Book of Exodus (Exodus 20:1).  This will help our thoughts get right.

All day long network news channels 'pump out garbage' to sway the public to its liking (not God's) and if a person is not diligent to turn the news off, then they are caught up in all the stuff that really won't matter when it comes to the Lord's Work.

Just like the Bible says, we are supposed to be about 'Our Heavenly Father's Business'.  

This world and its ways will soon pass, but only what's done for God will last

Stay on God's Road that leads to eternal life and joy.  And, watch your 'heart thoughts', for out of it are the issues of life. (From Proverbs 4:23)

God Bless You, let's pray for one another too!  Let's be about 'Our Father's business' everyday!


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