
Sunday, August 30, 2020

"Give Hear to my words, O Lord,"

Consider my meditation.
Give heed to the voice of my cry,
My King and my God,
For to You I will pray.
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You 
And will look up.
Psalm 5:1-3 NKJV
"Clear, Cool Early Sunday Morning Skies"

This morning I looked out and saw beautiful clear skies with the planet Venus and stars shinning out in full display.

This scene reminded me of Psalm 5 verses 1 thru 3.  

What a great feeling and promise that we can come to the Lord in the morning with full assurance and that the Lord will 'hear our cry'.  

I love to pray early in the morning before all the 'noise' of the day tries to disturb my peace and compete for my attention.

When I do this, it seems as if the Holy Spirit lines me up with today's eternal plans and sets my feet on the 'Heavenly Highway' for God's purposes.

If you have not done this early prayer practice before, I ask you my dear friend to give it a try and watch your day change for the better.  Because you 'dressed your day in prayer' and you can know your Heavenly Father is there.


ps:  Have a peaceful, prayerful Sunday.

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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