
Thursday, May 20, 2021

One Word for Today 'HEALING'

“Good Morning! God Loves YOU!!" ❤️👍
One Word Scripture: A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good: and .... to another, gifts of 'HEALING' by the one Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:7 & 9b CSB

Today's OW4TD is 'HEALING'.   
In the Church there are people with 'gifts of HEALING'.   

These folks seem to have the discernment to help the body of Christ with knowing how to pray for a person's 'HEALING'.    

They have the 'gift' of being able to see if the 'HEALING' will be supernatural, or they can discern if a doctor's care is needed for bringing about a 'HEALING'.  And, they have discernment if the person needing 'HEALING' needs deliverance from a spirit or from demonic activity.  

I have known believers who have the gift of 'HEALING'.  They are humble, quiet and usually keep low in their persona because they know that the 'HEALING' gift comes from God and not themselves nor is it based on their religious acts with God.
Believers with the gift of 'HEALING' is revealed usually to others first, before the person with the gift of HEALING realizes that they have been blessed with the gift.   

Oh, how the Church today needs the gift of 'HEALING' to be in operation to bring about the needed physical and spiritual HEALING to the Body of Christ and for clear discernment in these most trying of our days.

Pray and ask God if you have the gift of 'HEALING'.  The body of Christ needs you to open your gift. 🎁

Amen! f.m. ❤️🙏


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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