
Friday, May 21, 2021

One Word for Today 'MIRACLES'

Good Morning! God Loves YOU!! ❤️👍

"We are floating on a sea of 'MIRACLES,' we just have to fish them out!"

Today's One Word Scripture: ... '(1) to another, the performing of 'MIRACLES',  (2) to another, prophecy, (3) to another, distinguishing between spirits, (4) to another, different kinds of tongues, (5) to another, interpretation of tongues.  1 Corinthians 12:10 CSB

One Word for Today: 'MIRACLES'.  

Today's scripture is so full of 'gifts' that it will take several days to review the '5' spiritual gifts in this one particular scripture.  Today's writing will be on the 'gift' of 'MIRACLES'.  

A person with the gift of 'MIRACLES' is a person who waits on the LORD as part of their daily 'spiritual routine' and usually has special insight and 'spiritual listening' ability for situations needing 'MIRACLES'.  

They usually have the gift of 'FAITH' operating in their lives also.  Why? Because before the 'MIRACLES' come, their 'FAITH' gift has to be activated.  
Do you need a 'MIRACLE' today??  Perhaps you haven't opened your gift of 'MIRACLES' yet.  How do you open such a 'gift'?  

It starts by 'ASKING' (Matthew 7:7) God first and then, receiving in 'FAITH' the 'MIRACLE' before the 'MIRACLE' is manifested in the natural or physical setting.  

Amen 🙂.  

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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