
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

One Word for Today: 'INSPIRED'


Good Morning! God Loves YOU!! ❤️👍

be INSPIRED by the Holy Spirit this morning!

Today's One Word Scripture: All these [gifts, achievements, abilities] are INSPIRED and brought to pass by one and the same [Holy] Spirit, Who apportions to each person individually [exactly] as He chooses.
1 Corinthians 12:11 AMPC

One Word for Today: 'INSPIRED' 

Today's writing will be on the 'INSPIRATION' of the Holy Spirit.  

The Holy Spirit is the giver of the 'gifts' to the Church.  A person 'filled and overflowing' with the Holy Spirit will be 'INSPIRED' by the Holy Spirit with abilities beyond their natural ability to do certain things and certain ministries.  

But, the Holy Spirit is such a gentleman.  He will INSPIRE, but will require the person with the gift that was bestowed to the invididual to open 'their gift' with the faith they possess or by the laying on of 'hands' by other Spirit-filled believers.  The Holy Spirit will lead us, but then will require us to do our part, which is to take the 'step of faith' in believing Him, talking with Him and then 'do' what He says to do, when and how HE says to 'do' the task or the ministry.

The Holy Spirit should be our best friend ever.  We should talk to Him (praying without ceasing) and yield to His leading in every instance.   Yes, it is hard to do at first ... but, the rewards of listening and talking to the Holy Spirit brings such lasting JOY and PEACE throughout our days!

The Holy Spirit will lead us into the Lord's Kingdom Qualities (KQs) of Righteousness, Joy and Peace.

If we are lacking any 'one' of the 'KQs', we are out of step or out of sync with the Holy Spirit's guidance qualities.  It then, is time to STOP and confess this wrong in our lives and begin 'praying without ceasing' so that our lives will exhibit the 'KQs' that He desires. 

How are your 'KQs' lining up this morning??!

The HOLY SPIRIT longs to bring you into the fruitful land of 'RIGHTEOUSNESS, JOY and PEACE'.

Amen 💓
Faithman 🕊️

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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