
Sunday, May 30, 2021

One Word for Today: REST

  Good Morning! God Loves YOU!! ❤️👍

Our Celestial Journey

Today's One Word Scripture: 'This is what the Lord says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around.  Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find 'REST' for your souls" '. Jeremiah 6:16a

One Word for Today: 'REST'.   

Today's writing will be on finding 'REST' in God and His Word. 
God understands that man needs 'REST' our souls. 

With the 'constant battle' of the world waring against our souls and lives, one can easily become exhausted on 'the Celestial Journey'.  

With the COVID-19 virus and all the 'world's distresses' about us, it seems that we are constantly being harassed by the worlds ills.   But, there is a peace and a REST that we can experience in the LORD Himself.  

When we 'stop at the crossroads' and 'call out' to JESUS the LORD of Life in our distress, HE WILL give us from Himself .... REST.   Oh, the blessed REST that comes from HIM.  When we stop, look and listen for His 'godly way' and then travel His path ... we then will find 'REST' in our souls.

Are you looking for 'REST' this morning?? 

The REST that you are seeking is found in a PERSON.  And, it is found in the God-Person of JESUS CHRIST.

No prescription, medicine, or therapy can give you the REST that JESUS longs to give us.

If our souls are dry, parched and weary ... we have wondered from the Lord's way.

Return to the 'crossroads', seek the Lord and you my friend, will find the REST that you need.

God Bless you,

Ps ... As I write these morning messages, I see your faces and think of your needs in your journey of life.  Many of you have gone through times of testing and trial.   You all are very dear to me and have left the 'treasure of friendship' in my heart.  I wish that I could express to all of you how I appreciated the JOY of knowing you all on this side of our JOURNEY.     I pray for you and think of you so often as if you are family.  May God bless you dearly with His REST today.  Jim

Harmony Church in Mingo Junction, Ohio

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