
Monday, May 24, 2021

One Word For Today: 'TONGUES'


Good Morning! God Loves YOU!! ❤️👍

The gift of TONGUES 👄 can be practiced in church (with caution). 

Today's One Word Scripture:
 ... (4) to another, different kinds of tongues, (5) to another, interpretation of tongues.  1 Corinthians 12:10 CSB

One Word for Today: 'TONGUES'.  

 Today's writing will be on the 'gift' of 'TONGUES'.  

A person with the gift of 'TONGUES' is a person who has received from God a language of the Holy Spirit that is personally used for personal edification, his prayer language and can be included in a corporate church setting if properly trained.  When a person also speaks in an 'unlearned or unknown' TONGUE or different language, there should be an interpreter or persons with the 'gift' of 'interpretation' present for clarity of what said.  

This particular 'gift' has caused much confusion and unnecessary mystery in the Church.  Yes, there can be a person speaking in 'TONGUES' when there are multiple nationalities present, but there should always be an interpreter to keep from causing confusion during the service.  God is not the author of this type of confusion.  Every 'gift' and 'gift practice' should be done in a fitting and proper way in a Church service for edification.   'TONGUES' being spoken without an interpretation, will bring confusion and if an unbeliever is there, they will surely be confused.

I am cautious today when in a Church service when 'TONGUES' are being spoken without an interpreter.  Or, if a 'WORD' is being given in 'TONGUES' as a display of one's spirituality.   Such practice is of the flesh and there needs to be instruction along with maturity allowed before the 'TONGUE' and 'INTERPRETATION' gifts are opened in a Church service.  

Without good instruction, or understanding about these 2 gifts, the unbeliever or unlearned Christian will be confused and could possibly leave the Church because of this practice of seeming 'weird' to them.  If you have this 'gift', please me mindful of its use and purpose.  It was never intended to be a 'show gift' for maturity.

Amen 💓

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