
Sunday, May 23, 2021

One Word For Today: 'Distinguish'


Good Morning! God Loves YOU!! ❤️👍


Today's One Word Scripture: ... '(3) to another, DISTINGUISHING between spirits, (4) to another, different kinds of tongues, (5) to another, interpretation of tongues.  1 Corinthians 12:10 CSB

One Word for Today: 'DISTINGUISH'.  

 Today's writing will be on the 'gift' of 'DISTINGUISHING'.  

A person with the gift of 'DISTINGUISHING' is a person who can spot when someone is in error or has a sense that something 'just isn't right' in a teaching, a relationship or a church that has left the truth and is following the ways of the world or a 'fallen angel/demon of deception'. 

  This gift is needed today in the Church to point out false teaching and false prophets. 

Just today, I talked to a family member about a situation years ago when a so called 'prophet' came to a church that was growing spiritually and in numbers.  I thought something was wrong with this certain person when he spoke about a new teaching of 'shepherding' and 'headship' teaching in this church.

His teaching caused a large split in the Church.  And, what was sad the Church leadership at that time did not have the gift to 'DISTINGUISH' or sensed this error, and it caused a large split in that church and it never recovered after that in the same capacity. 

I am cautious even today about going to certain Churches because of that incident.  Oh Lord, Please give us the gift and boldness of 'DISTINGUISHING' false teaching.
Amen :/

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