
Friday, October 29, 2021

'Kingdom Conflicts' - End of Part 1

 Happy Friday - or - TGIF!

Happy Friday!

Gee . . . another fast week Again!

Another TGIF to be grateful for.

"Tomorrow, Tomorrow I Love you tomorrow" 🎵🎵

"Hey guys ... guess what, tomorrow is here!" 

 Yup! Can't we can't avoid 'tomorrow' . . . 'today' is the 'tomorrow' that you worried about 'yesterday'!

Why does tomorrow bring anxiety to us? 

 Why does tomorrow bring worry?  

'Tomorrow' has been used as a weapon by the enemy that can cause 'Kingdom Conflict' within us.  Tomorrow can cause us to fear if we don't know Jesus! Like I said 'yesterday', if 'tomorrow' is not thought about properly, and put in its place, 'tomorrow's fears' will even ruin today!  

'Tomorrow' can bring on 'Kingdom Conflict' within ourselves and disrupt our 'PEACE' today. And, its 'ugly fruit' of 'worry & anxiety' that others see in us, might just start KC in their day too. 

Please tell remind each other of this awesome promise from God:

Jesus is Here! He is the same . . 86400/1440/24/7/365* & 



(* seconds, minutes, hours, days, years)

Let us all Avoid the 'KC' in our lives, and its fruit starting now! 

 Let's see what Jesus says about our 'tomorrows'. 

 Do not let your 'hearts be troubled' ... 'believe in Me' (from John 14:1) & 'Take no thought for tomorrow; for tomorrow will take care of the things itself' (from Matthew 6:34).

Once we do this ... that is to cast our cares & KC on Him, 

it can be a 

'TGIF everyday'!! 

Wow! Every day is a 'Friday'! I like that!!

So then, what is & are Kingdom Conflict(s)?

'Anything' that causes our spirits to be 'super-sad', feeling-separated, fearful & anxious about today and our tomorrows!

The 'absolute cure' for all 'Kingdom Conflicts' is just a 'little talk with Jesus',

Tell Him all about your troubles,

Let Him have all your cares, futures and worries.

Why? Because Jesus 'Saves'!


(today, really is a miracle for me & now for You!)


Faith man!

see ya, in God's Kingdom guys!


  1. Good Morning Jim and Thank You. Maybe I'll play " Cares Chorus" Chris's version and then "Be Bold, Be Strong".
    Have a Blessed Day my Friend:)

  2. Hello Howie, you are welcome my friend for the message ... Yes, yes 'Cares Chorus' & 'Be Bold, Be Strong' are good choices. And, I know you will play those songs well. 🤗🙏👍


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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