
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Kingdom Conflicts - Part 2

 Happy Saturday!

We've Made it Through

Another Week 😎

Good to be writing again!

Hey y'all, this week has been a 'roughie one' for me.  Just getting over a 'bad cold' and its been raining 'cats & dogs' here in Medina County, Ohio!  It seems that when I go 'on the offensive' against the devil and his tricks . . . he tries to stir up all kinds of discouragement and kingdom conflicts! 

(no pun intended!) 

But, Jesus has the final say & victory in every battle or conflict we will ever face!

What a wonderful Savior is HE!  I can't thank Him enough!

Now for Part 2

(Gee, I get into writing these lessons and I don't know who learns more the reader or the writer!!)  

'Kingdom Conflict' Part 2 lesson centers around 

'Where does (or did) 'Kingdom Conflicts' come from?

This is such a loaded question that It will take several lessons to get through it, but we've got to start somewhere. Here is the Location, Scene & Date!!

Location: Eden

Scene: In the Garden 

When?: October 7, 3761?Reference Link to Hebrew Study of Creation Year

So I will start with the age old tool & device that the enemy uses called the 'lying-pride' tool.  All the way back in Genesis chapter 3 he deceived Mr & Mrs Adam in saying 'if you eat of the forbidden tree you will be like God and will be able to distinguish between good and evil.  

That event my friend, was the very 

1st & original 'Kingdom Conflict' 


And, it all started by the devil in his normal 'pride-lying' smooth conversation with Mr & Mrs Adam back in the garden town of Eden.  The devil's lie was believed by Mr & Mrs. Adam and they ate of the 'forbidden tree' and that, my Friend is when 'Kingdom Conflict' started!


I wonder if Mr. or Mrs. Adam would have asked the devil, 'how do you know about this tree? Did you take a big bite out of its fruit?? I wonder how things would have been different if he had?!! 

So Then we now know that the KC stared in Eden and continues to this day!

Anyway! the original 'Kingdom Conflict' started then, and the world has not been the same since! And, will not be the same until Jesus returns the 2nd time to set up His Kingdom and creates a New World where righteousness reigns!

So then, the instigator & evil inventor of all 'Kingdom Conflict' was and still is the devil and he uses his same tactics of:

  • lies, 
  • pride, 
  • worry, 
  • fear and 
  • disobedience to name some his tools in the deceiver's 'tool box'!
To STOP Kingdom Conflict . . . we must turn to the Word of GOD and use our weapon called the Word of God against the devil and 'Kingdom Conflict!'  Jesus had 'Kingdom Conflict' with the devil in the Wilderness!  I hope you remember the story!  And Jesus method for defeating the devil during this 'Kingdom Conflict' was the Word of God which is the Sword of the Spirit.

Tomorrow is Sunday.  I hope to get into 'how to use the Sword of the Spirit' when we encounter 'Kingdom Conflict'.

Remember this important truth . . . We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US! (Romans 8:37). Yes, Conquerors over KINGDOM CONFLICTS! 

Faith man . . .

ps . . . please share this blog with your friends and family.  Also, if you write at the bottom of the link your comments, we all can share God's love and encouragement with each other.  Love You guys, F.m.


  1. Thanks Jim. Thought of you this morning when I read this in one of my devotionals, "Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you." 2 Timothy 1:13-14
    So once again, Thank You my Friend. :)

  2. Thanks Howie for thinking of me!! I am so grateful to be able to write the LEJ editions and that the Lord would inspire me to do so! So we Praise the Lord together! Yes, we have to guard the 'precious truth' in our lives BC the enemy wants us to believe 'his lies' otherwise! I choose God's Word! 'Wins in every battle' we face. Amen!


Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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