
Sunday, October 31, 2021

'Kingdom Conflicts' - Part 3

 Blessed Sunday Morning 

to You & Yours!

God Loves Us! Because He IS Love!

Oh . . . If we could just embrace

this 'Solid Truth' of 'God's Love' 

throughout our days!

Our days would always be fuller & richer.

Good Morning! 

It Always 'feels good' to get behind the computer keyboards to write these LEJ editions!  

(Eh, If you only knew how I was in school, you would know that these LEJ Editions are truly God inspired! Praise the Lord for His 'life changing' power & grace every hour!)

My 5th Grade Picture 😁

Part 3 'How Do We get through this Kingdom Conflict?'

When I started this series last week on 'Kingdom Conflict (KC), I mentioned that there would be 3 parts.  This is the '3rd part' and probably the most important part for success in our daily Christian lives.

It is important to understand that going through 'KC' is not about earning 'our salvation' or 'our performance' going through 'KC' to get to go to heaven.  

That my friend was all taken care of on the Cross of Jesus Christ.  His blood was shed for our Salvation and made secure when we accepted and believed in Him for this amazing act of LOVE.  

So therefore, our salvation is not of works, but of God's Love being provided for us when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior!  (now, for the rest of the story . . .)

Our 'KCs' come as a result of us living in this 'fallen world' and experiencing the 'fallout of Eden's bombshell' of sin.  The 'devil's bombs' of pride, lies, murder, evil, lust, fear, death, etc. to name some of the of 'these fallout results'.


Jesus Came to show us the way to have VICTORY!! 

Yes, VICTORY comes as a result of following JESUS through this 'world's fallout' results.  Sin always has one thing in mind and end in its mind.  

That is to . . .

Kill, Steal, Capture, and Destroy. 


Jesus Came to show us the way over and through 'Kingdom Conflicts'.   

His Results are . . .


Therefore, we must learn the 'Word of God' so that we can enjoy a 'taste of Heaven' before we get there!  This is done through the Holy Spirit working in our lives!  One of my greatest JOYS is when the Holy Spirit speaks and gives us revelation and insight of how to get through the 'KCs'.

When we learn how to use the 'Word of God' in faith believing (also known as the 'Sword of the Spirit'), we will find out its mighty power over the 'fallout results' and effects of sin.

When we are sad, God's Word will make us GLAD. (Psalm 92:4 & Psalm 118:24)

When we are depressed, God's Word will give us REST. (Matthew 11:28-29)

When we are sick, God's Word assures us HEALING. (James 5:14-15)

When we have been wronged, God's Word will make all things right in HIS TIME. (Ecc 3:11)

Yesterday I mentioned this important truth . . . We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US! (Romans 8:37).  It is God's battle.  Not ours.  Allow the Holy Spirit to come in and fill you anew! You then, will more than conqueror all the 'KINGDOM CONFLICTS'! 

Faith man 

ps . . . please share this blog with your friends and family.  
Also, if you write at the bottom of the link your comments, we all can share God's love and encouragement with each other.  
Love You guys, F.m.

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Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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