
Monday, November 1, 2021

November 1st, Enter Thanksgiving Month :)

It's November 1st!

Happy Thanksgiving Month 👐

"Of all the month's of the Year, 

Thanksgiving's month to me - is most Dear!

I stop and remember so many 'Good Things' ...

And, most of all, 'God's Blessings' makes me Sing!"


Oh, the many blessings of God's Grace that we can know and be thankful for this very day and every day!  The month of November subtle has a way of 'easing us in' to our 'thankful mode'.  

This mode of 'thanksgiving' reminds me that regardless of what happens to us and around us that God's Love & Word prevails and holds us near to His heart.

When we experience His Love in our hearts, we will never, never, never be the same ever!  There is no one else, or no thing else that will ever fill our hearts like Jesus. To that I am forever grateful and most thankful!

A Thanksgiving Challenge

During this month of November, may I offer up to you all, a 'Thanksgiving Challenge'?

In Everything, 'Give Thanks'
Here's the 'challenge' . . . In 7 words or less, please text back every day what your are 'thankful for' on the 'LEJ / Text Ministry' phone texts till 'Thanksgiving Day'.  You don't have sign your name, but by reminding what you are thankful for, will 'help others' be thankful too! 

Gee, you all just have been officially 'ordained ministers' of the LEJ blog page 😉. Now that in itself is a blessing! ♥️

Here is are some examples of what to text back:

"I am grateful for my Health & Family".

"I am grateful for my church"

"I am grateful for my health"

"I am thankful for my dear friends"

 Please try to participate in the Thanksgiving Text Challenge And, remember . . . 

'Faith Man' sent ya!! 😉

Love you all, 'Faith man' 💗

(please click link below) thank you!

Thanksgiving Daily Text Challenge


 Dear Friends, I have noticed that when my spirit is truly 'thankful', my problems subside, and Jesus' love is really 'felt inside'!


During the month of NOVEMBER ... LEJ will have some fun with 'scripture mind puzzles' and games in 'special LEJ' Editions! Stay tuned!

p.s.s.s (here is a sample!)

JOke: Q. What do they call pastors in Germany?

A. 'German Shepherds' ! 😆


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Thanks for your comments :)
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a Great Day in the Lord :)

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